On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 13:46:08 +0200, Severi Salminen
<sev### [at] NOT_THISsiba fi> wrote:
> Here is a very small scene which shows some odd artifacts. There should
> be no coincident surfaces here - or is there? You can see surprisingly
> more artifacts by removing the double slash before the second box. What
> causes these and how can I get rid of them?
> You can see the artifacts in the shadow of the superellipsoid.
> light_source { <0,2,2> 1}
> camera {
> location <0, 0.1, -0.5 >
> }
> union {
> box {<-0.25,-0.02,-0.25>,<0.25,0.0,0.25>}
> // box {<1,1,1>,<2,2,2>}
> superellipsoid { <0.4,0.4>
> scale <0.22,0.015,0.22>
> }
> pigment{ rgb 1}
> }
> Severi Salminen
Looks like inaccuracy in the root solver, scaling the whole scene by 10
removes the artifacts.
Translating the superellipsoid slightly in the y-direction solves also the
The sturmian root solver could also help, but it can't be used (stated in
the doc Superquadric Ellipsoid).
light_source{20*y,1}#macro _(M,X,Y,P)#macro L(N,D)#if(N)#declare
0.5,0.5translate z*mod(9*P.gray,4)pigment{rgb P}rotate 45*x+clock*y
(Y,3)P)#end#end _(2301603551,12850,60365,20*z-5*x)plane{y,-9pigment{rgb 1}}
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